About houda fayad

houda fayad has written 3 articles so far, you can find them below.

What is a personality disorder?

 What is a personality disorder?  Everyone has personality traits that characterize them. These are the usual ways that a person thinks and behave s, which make each of us unique. Personality traits become a personality disorder when the pattern of thinking and behavior is extreme, inflexible and maladaptive. They may cause major disruption to a […] تابع المزيد →


 INTERNET Internet is one of the important things for young people. It’s so large and complicated. Many people think that internet causes problems, because the teenagers spend the most of their time in using internet which has a bad effect, they don’t pay attention for their studies, they stay away from their parents and they […] تابع المزيد →

The violence

The violence. The violence is one of the most common problems in the world. Many of reasons cause the violence. But the most dangerous reason is the television because it enters all the homes. We see violence in the movies, news, series and cartoons. When the children see their favorite heroes use the violence to […] تابع المزيد →